Photos, photos, photos

We are on the hunt for new photos for our website… the PHOTO section of the site has a stream of new photos that we have been given ( the most recent ones feature the 2011 Island Games which the club hosted),  the Photo Section will soon grow to have more options as we receive more content.  The website’s photo content is driven from a Flickr page, and soon a group will be formed in which you can add images of your own directly in Flickr, and magically see them on the site.  Alternatively if you have electronic versions of the pictures, and you are happy for them to be used, then please email them to, and we’ll get them on there for you.

If you have ‘old fashioned’ prints of picture, this can be scanned quickly, and returned to you, this process will take two shoots ( one to drop off and one to collect, after scanning)


Please dig through all your old albums for anything interesting, in particular to do with the development of the club, including construction of the club house.